
The Artist’s Statement

My work is often autobiographical and inspired by nature, particularly its ability to reclaim and erode. I am drawn toward salvaged materials and natural processes. I find beauty in imperfection and joy in breathing new life into discarded objects. My current body of work utilizes the dichotomies of order/chaos, light/shadow, and ephemera/enduring to explore time, memory, and resiliency. In my assemblage work, I transform wood, metal, and fiber into objects that bridge the gap between the future and the past and firmly anchor my work in the present. I am inspired by the disparate work of artists like Nick Cave, Katie Hudnall, and Jean Tinguely- particularly their ability to speak through both craft and fine art using found materials.

My artistic practice is fed by a lifetime of working with my hands. My father taught me the joy of handiwork and creating what you need. While working as a living history interpreter and tour guide, I demonstrated the magic of the printing press, and the satisfaction of creating baskets, embellishing fabric, mending sails, and working the simple machines that made ocean travel possible. In the Air Force, I honed my skills in welding and metal fabrication. After my service, I found fulfillment in working with reclaimed wood and salvaged metal. The value of creating with my hands has been the mainstay of my life. I hope my work inspires others to find beauty in life's dichotomies and to work with their hands to create from the world around them.

